Bulk Sourcing

Building strategic relationship with hardware and software vendors to provide good quantity discounts and significant savings for volume purchase is one of the most valuable services considered by JUCC members as well as by the vendors. The JUCC negotiates collective procurements by leveraging members’ collective spending power.

As a result of JUCC’s joint tendering exercises efforts, JUCC member institutions are able to leverage volumes to lower costs for the goods and services purchased, bargain for better supply and service quality and reduce administrative costs by avoiding duplication of work, improving value for money. Collaborative procurement initiatives such as site licensing for IBM/SPSS software, Microsoft Campus Agreement software packages and VMware virtualisation products and bulk purchases of computer equipment, computer consumables deliver significant savings and get full support from JUCC members.

The JUCC will continue its efforts to explore new opportunities and work with its members to establish and manage strategically vendor partnerships and agreements for popular software, equipment and services.